"Watch out, you'll fall, beta ! Be careful ........ " The li'l kid comes running back, his mother's caring arms holding him, warding off all evil. Life was just so easy back then. "Teacher , teacher he's beating (to!!!!) me", saved your ass from the school bully.Getting dressed was mom's job and an open, asking palm brought in your daily dose of chocolates. You are the king/queen of the house, 'cos dad's shoulders were the throne we sat on and our folks wouldn't sleep till you let them or rather go to sleep yourself ! State board schools rarely tested our intelligence. Boy, what a walk in the park, huh ?
Why did we ever have to grow up ? Why can't the time when my tiny fingers were curled around my father's index finger, with him guiding my way, stay forever ? Stupid questions you might say. But hey , tell me one person who grew up and loved staying that way huh ? Me for one , I hate it.
The grass is always greener on the other side - couldnt wait to grow up when we were small and now crib over why we grew up in the first place. Is keeping the child in you alive the only way out of not missing out on life ??????
P.S : Please dont grill me , its my first attempt at writing !!!!!!!!
My granny once said, "A person is infinitely happy until he is 4 years old...then life begins".
You post echoes that.
You write really well, hope you continue blogging
man...do u write well..or do u write well!!! ur observations are bang on
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