Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sticks, them three

A Black fence holds me back,
A green top I can see.
Kids in white playing along,
A red ball in front of me.
Takes me back to them old times,
Where cricket was, I would be.
A golden bat , a blue eyed boy,
before those sticks, them three.......

Dad said a plain old " NO !",
' Bout playing with your life you don't know,
Life never waited for no one , no,
You die your death or go with the flow.
But even then I would flee,
To someplace I knew that I would be.
A golden bat , a blue eyed boy,
Before those sticks, them three .......

But life's winds blew me the other way,
So cricket was right out of my fray.
A bag to work made me go,
Away from my green top floor.
But throw them away I will for sure,
Away to the place I want to be.
A golden bat, a blue eyed boy,
Before those sticks , them three.


JiGz said...

Keep it Up..!!
Keep Going..!!

Kenneth said...

I'm not really a poem person, but this was quite and sales just don't click together :)

Over the top said...

@ jigs : Will do buddy, thanks !

@kenneth : True buddy, this was something that struck me when I was walking towards churchgate station passing the oval maidan...